The Albino Squirrels

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Meet Alex

Greetings! I'm Alex, fan of bad puns, anime, manga, astronomy, and the exclamation mark! I just finished my third year here at UT as a BA in Astronomy! I'll be working with Dr. Friedrich Ropke on Type 1a Supernovae. I have experience researching White Dwarf stars and Delta Scuti stars. I'm looking forward to experiencing a more theoretical project compared to the more observational projects I've done in the past.

As for the blog, I plan on making a picture a day to record my experience abroad on top of the group blog activities. I'm no photographer, but I want to make sure I make as many memories as possible while I'm out there! If you want to reach this, make sure to check under the alex label or the apod label!


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