The Albino Squirrels

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Würzburger Residenz

Grüß Dich!1
The weather in Würzburg has been absolutely gorgeous lately. I took advantage of this beautiful weather and went to see the Würzburger Residenz2 on Sunday. Until the early eighteenth century, the prince-bishops in Würzburg resided in the Marienberg Fortress. The court was then moved to a palace: the Würzburger Residenz. In 1981, Würzburger Residenz with its Court Gardens and Residence Square was inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List. This palace is, by far, the most beautiful piece of Baroque architecture that I have ever seen.
The Würzburger Residenz
The Würzburger Residenz
View from the Residence Square
View from the Residence Square
As breathtaking as this palace is, the Court Gardens were my absolute favorite part. My first thought upon walking into the gardens was, “I’m late, I’m late! For a very important date.” They literally looked like something out of Alice in the Wonderland. I was willing to spend all day there – it was just so beautiful.
Court Gardens #1DSC01490DSC01505
Random observations/scattered thoughts:
1. Germans are tall. The average German is probably a good few inches taller than the average American. Being in Würzburg makes me feel shorter than usual.
2. The gummy bear store has some really interesting gummy bears. Playboy gummies, anyone?!
3. Will someone explain to me why German book covers are so much prettier than any book cover found in the United States? Despite not being able to understand a single word, I am so tempted to buy the LOTR trilogy and the Game of Thrones solely because I’m obsessed with their book covers.
4. Würzburg has really sassy statues. I really hope that when the statues were rebuilt after their destruction in World War II, the sass was intentional, as if to say, “we’re back, bitch.
Herzliche Grüße von Numa3

Translation of German words:
1. Hello
2. Würzburg Residence
3. Love from Numa
 photo numasig.png

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