The Albino Squirrels

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Festung Marienberg

Today, a group of six of us decided to visit the Festung Marienberga. The fortress is the symbol of Würzburg and has served as the home of prince-bishops for nearly five centuries. Getting to Festung Marienberg was quite the hike (no really, it sucks for whoever is trying to invade the fortress), but it was worth every single step. Lets just say that I will never complain about the hills in Austin again. However, I really do wish I had my bike with me. It would have been some pretty great Texas 4000 training.
From left to right: Joseph, Numa, Julius, Thomas, Robby, Melody
From left to right: Joseph, Numa, Julius, Thomas, Alex, Melody
The view of the city on the way to the fortress was absolutely breathtaking and no pictures could ever do it any justice.
The fortress itself was beautiful, so we took our sweet ol’ time exploring it. I am more than a little obsessed with Würzburg architecture, but really, can you blame me?
The fortress tower
The fortress tower
Julius and I (the tallest and the shortest) in the group next to the tower for height reference
Julius and I (the tallest and the shortest in the group) next to the tower for height reference
Random picture of the day:
My gelato flavor of the day was called Schlümpfeb. The only way I can possibly think of describing the flavor is that it literally tastes like a Smurf!
Danke schönc for reading my blog!

Translation of German words:
a. Marienberg Fortressb. Smurfs
c. Thank you so much
 photo numasig.png

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